Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Radio Communication

Radio Communication has Advantages and Disadvantages:


* A universal medium. Can be enjoyed at home, at work, and 

while driving. Most people listen to the radio at one time or

another during the day. 

* Permits you to target your advertising dollars to the market 

most likely to respond to your offer.

* Permits you to create a personality for your business using
only sounds and voices.

* Free creative help is usually available.

* Rates can generally be negotiated. 

* Least inflated medium. During the past ten years, radio 

rates have gone up less than other media. 


* Because radio listeners are spread over many stations, to 

 totally saturate your market you have to advertise 

 simultaneously on many stations. 

* Listeners cannot refer back to your ads to go over important


* Ads are an interruption to the entertainment. Because of 

 this, radio ads must be repeated to break through the

 listener's "tune out" factor. 

* Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing

 something else while listening, which means your ad has to

 work hard to be listened to and understood.

* Advertising costs are based on ratings which are

 approximations based on diaries kept in a relatively small

 fraction of a region's homes.
* Not as fast as using a phone; could take a little bit. 

* The line could get fuzzy, or not clear.